Category Archives: Sodium Channels

Consistent with this report, we observed that DZIP1 localized to the basal body in all cilia examined (S4A and S4B Fig). in hearing (left panel) and touch sensitivity (right panel). Expression of CEP290 rescued these defects. For the hearing assay, 5 larvae as a group, and at least 5 groups of flies were tested. For the touch sensitivity assay, = 50. (F) Testes of WT flies and mutants. The mitochondrial protein DJ was used to label sperm cysts. Compared to those in WT flies and mutants, sperm cysts in cep290mutants were severely defective in elongation. The arrow indicates that this cysts failed to elongate. Bar, 200 m. (G) Male fertility assay in WT flies and mutants. We first rescued the severely uncoordinated phenotype of mutants by expressing CEP290 driven by males were completely infertile, while more than 65% of males were fertile. = 50. (H) EM images of testis cross…

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