

5). were treated with NIR-LED twice a day before, during, and both before and during the exposure to the poison. Results indicate that pretreatment with NIR-LED significantly suppressed rotenone- or MPP+-induced apoptosis in both striatal and cortical neurons ( 0.001), and that pretreatment plus LED treatment during neurotoxin exposure was significantly better than LED treatment alone during exposure to neurotoxins. In addition, MPP+ induced a decrease in neuronal ATP levels (to 48% of control level) that was reversed significantly to 70% of control by NIR-LED pretreatment. These data suggest that LED pretreatment is an effective therapy for neurons damaged by neurotoxins linked to PD. 0.001) (Figs. 1B and 1E). Similar exposure to rotenone rendered higher numbers of Oxaceprol cortical neurons to undergo cell death (42.96%; 0.001; Figs. 2B and 2E). LED treatments twice a day for 2 days during toxin exposure (LED & rotenone group) effectively decreased the number of apoptotic neurons induced by 200 nM of rotenone to 19.78% in striatal neurons and to 25.16% in cortical neurons, representing a 33.65% and 41.43% reduction, respectively ( 0.001 for all) (Figs. 1C and 1E, 2C and 2E). The percentage of apoptotic neurons in the LED pretreatment group (twice a day for 2 days before exposure to rotenone plus LED treatments during rotenone exposure) (pre- LED/rotenone & LED group) was only 13.07% in striatal neurons and 14.12% in cortical neurons, representing a 56.16% and 66.43% reduction, respectively, as compared to rotenone only ( 0.001), and an additional 33.92% and 42.68% reduction as compared to rotenone plus LED ( 0.01 and 0.001, respectively) (Fig. 1D and 1E, 2D and 2E). Open in a separate window Fig. 1 Hoechst staining of cultured striatal neurons in control (A), rotenone exposed (B), rotenone plus LED treated (C), and LED pretreatment for 2 days before rotenone exposure plus LED treatment during rotenone exposure (D). The arrows show apoptotic neurons with nuclear condensation or decreased nuclear size, with or without nuclear fragmentation. Quantitative assays of percent apoptotic neurons under various conditions are shown in E. Rotenone exposure significantly increased the number of apoptotic neurons ( 0.001), and LED treatment markedly reduced this percentage ( 0.001). However, LED pretreatment further reduced this percentage ( 0.01). All * 0.01, *** 0.001. All +P values were compared to MPP+ or rotenone alone: ++ 0.01, +++ 0.001. All # 0.001), and LED treatment markedly reduced this percentage ( 0.001). However, LED pretreatment further reduced this percentage ( 0.01). All * 0.01, *** 0.001. All +P values were compared to MPP+ or rotenone alone: ++ 0.01, +++ 0.001. All # 0.001 for both) (Figs. 3B and 3F, 4B and 4F). The percentage of apoptotic neurons in the LED pretreatment group (twice a day for 2 days before exposure to MPP+) (pre-LED/ Oxaceprol MPP+ & LED group) was 26.56% for striatal neurons and 29.81% for cortical neurons, representing 24.33% and 22.75% reduction, respectively, as compared to MPP+ alone ( 0.001 for both). (Figs. 3C and 3F, 4C and 4F). LED treatments twice a day for 2 days during MPP+ exposure (MPP+ & LED group) effectively decreased the number of apoptotic neurons to 26.32% in striatal neurons and to 31.07% in cortical neurons, representing a 25.01% and 19.48% reduction, respectively, as compared to MPP+ alone ( 0.001 for all) (Figs. 3D and 3F, 4D Oxaceprol and 4F). Pretreatment with LED plus LED treatment during MPP+ exposure (pre-LED/ MPP+ & LED group) reduced it further to only 21.95% in striatal neurons and 20.35% in cortical neurons, representing a reduction of 37.46% and 47.26%, respectively, as compared to MPP+ alone ( 0.001 for both), and a further reduction of 17.36% and 31.73%, respectively, as compared to LED treatment only during MPP+ exposure. It also represented a 16.60% further reduction in striatal neurons and a 34.50% further reduction in cortical neurons as compared to LED pretreatment only group ( 0.001 for all) ( Fig. 3E and 3F, 4E and 4F). There was no statistically significant difference between pretreatment alone and LED treatment alone during neurotoxin exposure in either striatal or cortical neurons. Open in a separate window Fig. 3 Hoechst staining of cultured striatal neurons in control (A), MPP+ exposed (B), LED pretreatment for 2 days before MPP+ exposure (C), MPP+ plus LED treated (D), and LED pretreatment for 2 days before MPP+ exposure plus LED treatment during MPP+ exposure (E). The arrows show apoptotic neurons with nuclear condensation or decreased nuclear size, with or without nuclear fragmentation. Quantitative assays of percent.NIR can further protect cells against NO-induced cell death (Karu et al., 2005). that pretreatment plus LED treatment during neurotoxin exposure was significantly better than LED treatment alone during exposure to neurotoxins. In addition, MPP+ induced Oxaceprol a decrease in neuronal ATP levels (to 48% of control level) that was reversed significantly to 70% of control by NIR-LED pretreatment. These data suggest that LED pretreatment is an effective therapy for neurons damaged by neurotoxins linked to PD. 0.001) (Figs. 1B and 1E). Similar exposure to rotenone rendered higher numbers of cortical neurons to undergo cell death (42.96%; 0.001; Figs. 2B and 2E). LED treatments twice a day for 2 days during toxin exposure (LED & rotenone group) effectively decreased the number of apoptotic neurons induced by 200 nM of rotenone to 19.78% in striatal neurons and to 25.16% in cortical neurons, representing a 33.65% and 41.43% reduction, respectively ( 0.001 for all) (Figs. 1C and 1E, 2C and 2E). The percentage of apoptotic neurons in the LED pretreatment group (twice a day for 2 days before exposure to rotenone plus LED treatments during rotenone exposure) (pre- LED/rotenone & LED group) was only 13.07% in striatal neurons and 14.12% in cortical neurons, representing a 56.16% and 66.43% reduction, respectively, as compared to rotenone only ( 0.001), and an additional 33.92% and 42.68% reduction as compared to rotenone plus LED ( 0.01 and 0.001, respectively) (Fig. 1D and 1E, 2D and 2E). Open in a separate window Fig. 1 Hoechst NCR2 staining of cultured striatal neurons in control (A), rotenone exposed (B), rotenone plus LED treated (C), and LED pretreatment for 2 days before rotenone exposure plus LED treatment during rotenone exposure (D). The arrows show apoptotic neurons with nuclear condensation or decreased nuclear size, with or without nuclear fragmentation. Quantitative assays of percent apoptotic neurons under various conditions are shown in E. Rotenone exposure significantly increased the number of apoptotic neurons ( 0.001), and LED treatment markedly reduced this percentage ( 0.001). However, LED pretreatment further reduced this percentage ( 0.01). All * 0.01, *** 0.001. All +P values were compared to MPP+ or rotenone alone: ++ 0.01, +++ 0.001. All # 0.001), and LED treatment markedly reduced this percentage ( 0.001). However, LED pretreatment further reduced this percentage ( 0.01). All * 0.01, *** 0.001. All +P values were compared to MPP+ or rotenone alone: ++ 0.01, +++ 0.001. All # 0.001 for both) (Figs. 3B and 3F, 4B and 4F). The percentage of apoptotic neurons in the LED pretreatment group (twice a day for 2 days before exposure to MPP+) (pre-LED/ MPP+ & LED group) was 26.56% for striatal neurons and 29.81% for cortical neurons, representing 24.33% and 22.75% reduction, respectively, as compared to MPP+ alone ( 0.001 for both). (Figs. 3C and 3F, 4C and 4F). LED treatments twice a day for 2 days during MPP+ exposure (MPP+ & LED group) effectively decreased the number of apoptotic neurons Oxaceprol to 26.32% in striatal neurons and to 31.07% in cortical neurons, representing a 25.01% and 19.48% reduction, respectively, as compared to MPP+ alone ( 0.001 for all) (Figs. 3D and 3F, 4D and 4F). Pretreatment with LED plus LED treatment during MPP+ exposure (pre-LED/ MPP+ & LED group) reduced it further to only 21.95% in striatal neurons and 20.35% in cortical neurons, representing a reduction of 37.46% and 47.26%, respectively, as compared to MPP+ alone ( 0.001 for both), and a further reduction of 17.36% and 31.73%, respectively, as compared to LED treatment only during MPP+ exposure. It also represented.